Well it all started with a rescue Westie called Pickles
I have always loved animals, sometimes more than people. Dogs are so relentless in their need to be loved and will give back in abundance... maybe that says more about me than the dogs, but I have always had an affinity to animals.
So it was that I found my little Pickles from a dog rescue group called Many Tears Rescue. They do wonderful work saving so many dogs from the unbelievable misery of illegal puppy farms. These dirty, uncared for little souls come in all shapes and sizes but generally they are terrified and unloved. Pickles was one such, but over the months she learned to trust and be loved. One downside of this however was that she followed me everywhere, my little shadow velcro dog. No more showering on your own... now constant little coal black eyes staring studiously at you, no more going out shopping and stopping for coffee unless they were dog friendly places.... but what a joy as my fellow soul mate.
I started my collars and leads business as the items available seemed to lack the mix of comfort, practicality and design that I was looking for. So Pickles and Company was started, Pickles being head model, tester and bespoke quality controller.
Unfortunately my most beloved little Pickles had health issues and was only with me for 18 months, far too short a time for such a brave and loving dog, she deserved longer but had a year and a half knowing how wonderful her life could be... I still miss her each day.
I kept the collars name of Pickles and Company for her, and to keep her with with me moving forward.
We strive to make beautifully designed and fun collars and leads for dogs and hope you will also think so too.
So here's to my little Pickles xxx